Monday, August 15, 2011

Zoamion In Progress 3 (Complete)

And the final version.  Again, take what you want from it.  More small people to the right standing in a shallow pool of water, bare trees to the left, also in shallow water, a set of eyes, and minor additions here and there.  That was fun.  I might do that the progression of a drawing.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Zoamion In Progress 2

Here's the update on the drawing.  What's been added is really just design, patterns I've used before, patterns that are meditative to do.  Also, if you're able to, flip this drawing upside down.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Zoamion In Progress 1

This is a drawing that I have begun.  I thought it might be fun to show its progress as I work on it.  "Zoamion" is the name of an imaginary place filled with adventure, battles between good and evil, and so on.  I won't tell you what the individual elements are or what they mean.  You should decide and imagine for yourself.